Here’s Your Step-by-Step Guide to Fallen Angel Pose

Full expression of Fallen Angel Pose in yoga.

Fallen Angel Pose is a fun and challenging progression of the classic arm balance Eka Pada Koundinyasana I (or the one-legged variation of the pose dedicated to the sage Koundinya, which is also known as Scissors Pose). 

The Fallen Angel Pose requires strength, mobility, and incredible balance and control to be able to carefully and softly lower into the position from the traditional arm balance Scissors Pose.

But it also requires a playful attitude as you lower your head toward the floor and kick your feet toward the sky. 

While challenging, it’s also a fun shape to practice and play with!

Here’s Your Step-by-Step Guide to Fallen Angel Pose

You may wish to place something soft onto and/or in front of your mat to act as a “crash pad” just in case you fall. So feel free to grab pillows, blankets, or bolsters to line the top edge of your mat.

Step 1: Start in Mountain Pose

Mountain Pose is a foundational Pose in yoga practice.

Come to stand at the top of your mat with your feet together or hip-distance apart. 

Step 2: Lower Into Chair Pose

Chair Pose is a strengthening yoga pose that is a prep pose for Fallen Angel Pose.

Bend your knees deeply and sink your seat low toward the floor as if you’re sitting back in a chair.

Step 3: Twist Into Revolved Chair Pose

Revolved Chair Pose is a strengthening and twisting pose that is a great prep pose for Fallen Angel Pose.

Draw your hands to meet at your heart and lengthen your spine. Keep this length as you spiral and rotate your chest toward the right side of your mat—option to hook your left elbow over your right thigh and draw your torso deeper into your twist.

Step 4: Squat to the Floor

Squat to the Floor is an important part of preparing for the Fallen Angel Pose in yoga.

Keep your twist and bend your knees even deeper to lower down into a squat, hovering just above the floor. Feel free to lift your heels off the floor as you do so. 

Step 5: Plant Your Hands

Planting your hands is a first step in many yoga poses.

Keep the rotation in your torso and lower your hands to the floor roughly shoulder-width apart. Spread your fingers wide and evenly space between them. Gently grip the mat with your fingertips.

Step 6: Lean Forward

Look forward of your hands and slowly start to lean the weight of your body forward. 

Step 7: Bend Your Elbows

Bend your elbows to create a shelf where you can rest your right thigh. Continue to lean forward into your arms as you rest your thigh onto your upper arms.

Step 8: Lift Up Into Side Crow Pose

Side Crow is a strong arm balance pose.

Squeeze your legs together strongly as you continue to lean forward until you find the magic “tipping point” where your legs become light and naturally lift from the floor into Side Crow Pose. 

Step 9: Scissor Your Legs Apart

Scissor apart your legs is an action step for getting to Fallen Angel Pose in yoga.

Maintain the balance of weight in your arms and strongly activate your core. Corset around your waistline and draw your navel in and up. Keep all of this activation as you slowly scissor your legs apart from each other. Kick your right leg straight out toward the left side of your mat and kick your left leg straight back behind you. Actively kick your legs in opposite directions to maintain your balance in the middle.

Step 10: Slowly Lower Your Cheek Down

Lowering your cheek to the ground is an action step for Fallen Angel Pose.

Slowly and mindfully, bend deeper into your elbows. With as much control as possible, gently and carefully release your right cheek down to the floor. Avoid placing weight on your head. Keep all of your strength in your arms and core, and just gently rest your cheek on the mat.

Step 11: Kick Your Legs Up

Full expression of Fallen Angel Pose in yoga.

Counterbalance the transfer of weight of your head reaching to the floor by kicking your legs up toward the sky. Stretch your left leg straight up and then bend deeply into your right knee and draw your right toes to gently rest on the outside of your left knee. 

Step 12: Hold and Breathe Before Releasing Out

Pause for a moment or two to breathe deeply in your Fallen Angel Pose before slowly and mindfully releasing back out the same way that you came in. Be sure to save enough energy to be able to lift back up into your arm balance before releasing back down to the floor when you exit Fallen Angel Pose.

Have Fun Experimenting With Fallen Angel Pose

Fallen Angel Pose is a fun and picturesque asana that builds on an already challenging arm balance. So be patient with yourself as you learn this pose and experiment with various ways to play with it.

Have fun along the way, and enjoy the strength, mobility, and balance you build as you work toward mastering this playful asana. 

Leah Sugerman, E-RYT 500, YACEP, yoga writer

Leah Sugerman is a yoga teacher, writer, and passionate world traveler. An eternally grateful student, she has trained in countless schools and traditions of the practice. She teaches a fusion of the styles she has studied with a strong emphasis on breath, alignment, and anatomical integrity. Leah teaches workshops, retreats, and trainings, both internationally and online. For more information, visit

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